Deafness Expertise
Decreasing the risk of misinterpretation, addressing barriers between employees and employers.
As a practicing psychologist for over 18 years, I developed expertise with interpersonal dynamics and personality styles in assessment and psychotherapy. My experience allows me to focus on the specific needs of the hiring organization. My extensive experience with psychological tests includes the assessment of intellect, personality, and achievement. Using a cultural lens, I integrate comprehensive assessments of Language (conducted in American Sign Language) and communication.
What is Deaf Culture?
Reference to the “Deaf community” encompasses demographic, linguistic, political and social elements. The Deaf community often exhibits shared common goals, values, customs, and language. While the Deaf community possesses a rich and meaningful language, the often unconventional speech patterns or use of blended visual-spatial language can be confusing to an untrained professional. During psychotherapy and especially during legal proceedings, the need for the Deaf community to be understood is a primary concern. Miscommunication may lead to inappropriate medical diagnosis, misrepresentation in court, general ostracization, and other sometimes serious consequences.
Why hire a deafness expert?
Expertise in Deafness decreases the risk of misinterpretation and provides invaluable education and consultation to counsel, court officials, and juries. Understanding the language of diverse subgroups within the Deaf community, Deaf culture and the ability to communicate directly with Deaf clients decreases the chance of misunderstanding and omissions of information both from mental health and legal perspectives.

What should I expect?
I provide expert witness testimony and assessment as well as Deaf client evaluation for legal competency, emotional harm, and comprehensive language assessments (intellectual and achievement). Evaluations are tailored to the needs of the hiring entity. I provide in-service training and ongoing professional development regarding working with Deaf Clients in corporate settings. Services focus on addressing barriers, ADA adherence and equal access.